Sunday, January 6, 2008

Burely Fits

The top of the roll bar hits the bottom of the garage door when parking in the garage.



Justin Short said...

Just let some air out of the tires when you are putting it inside for the night.

Phil said...

Funny story..I notice the left front looked a little low and it had about 5 lbs of air in it and the others were at about 30-32 lbs.

milkman said...

Sawzall to the rescue! And it isn't even specific to the roll bar!

Sawzall the garage door? Sure! That'll fix it!
Sawzall the suspension? Sure!
Sawzall the driveway? ...maybe not so much.

Phil said...

Haha, you sound like Yogurt from Spaceballs.

milkman said...

I hate Yogurt.