Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Big News in Seminole

Hollywood producers are coming to Seminole, TX in a, "casting search for spirited, interesting, rural boys (ages 10 to 14)," and not too mention, "for story reasons, we are only looking for Caucasian boys at this time."


milkman said...


Phil said...


That's great.

milkman said...

As an amusing aside, I recently listened to a great comedy bit by Demitri Martin where he said something like:

It's OK to say you like kids. "I like kids."

But it's not OK to say you like a specific age of kid. "I like seven-year-olds."

Phil said...

Haha, yea, I have that stand-up:

I heard this lady say “I love kids.” That’s nice, a little weird though. It’s like saying “I like people, for a little while.” “How old are you? 14? Fuck off!” You can say “I love kids” as a general statement, that’s fine. It’s when you get specific that you get in to trouble. “I love twelve-year-olds.”

milkman said...

Hah yes exactly.

Raven said...

you could pass as a 14 year old - they might be concerend with all of your drinking/smoking though.