Sunday, January 6, 2008

Oil Leak

Maybe Justin can help me seal my valve covers.

Turns out the bolts were loose on the valve covers and oil is now on the back of the engine and everything under the Jeep has oily film on it. Luckily I have a pressure washer.


Justin Short said...

Use RTV. The bolts are too far apart to apply a good clamp load across the valve cover on those engines.

Phil said...

What kind of RTV?

milkman said...

Wait--why do you have a pressure washer?

Phil said...

Why don't have I have pressure washer.

It doesn't rain out here every other day like it does in Seattle.

milkman said...

Correction: 3 out of every 5 days.

"Every other day" makes it seem like we live in the stinking desert, or something.