Friday, November 2, 2007

Intelligent falling

Hahahahahahha: Intelligent Falling

This isn't a discussion on the existence of religion, just the factual evidence provided by science. Most of the time I am apathetic towards most people's beliefs, but this one was laughable.

The Onion has an article about intelligent falling with a man at the forefront named, Rev. Gabriel Burdett. If there is an all-mighty and powerful force holding us down it gives an easy explanation on why Jesus was able to walk on water (because the all powerful force let him) AND discounts a physical law of nature. Does that mean every time I am drunk it was God that pushed me off of my barstool and not my gravitational attraction to the floor? I digress. Just appears that the ends justify the means.


milkman said...


Raven said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Raven said...

God didnt push you, he let you fall - now get up and by me another drink.

edit - sorry I fucked the first comment (you know drinking and all/god pushed me off my bar stool)