Thursday, March 13, 2008

Before Staining

4 days chock full of sanding, sanding, and more sanding we finally are ready to stain.


Justin Short said...

She works hard for the money.

Anonymous said...
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milkman said...

Holy shit is that a palm sander on the countertop? Please tell me you didn't use a palm sander to sand that whole floor.

Phil said...

Nah, just for the corners. We rented an 8 inch wide 6 inch diameter drum sander for the majority of the work.

milkman said...

Rockin'. In all actuality, I used a palm sander to do a rough sand of my 500 sq. ft. deck last summer. But, I think it only took me two hours to do the whole thing.

Raven said...

so after you stain and seal the thing what do you have to do? resand, reseal, sand?