Friday, December 28, 2007

Head'em Out...Rawhide!

The way Belinda's work is progressing we should know by the end of next month were we are going to be relocated. Right now there is a 50/50 chance between Houston, TX or Port Redding, NJ.


milkman said...

Yowch! That's a bummer.

Or option 3: let the winds carry you where you want and figure out the job situation later.

Phil said...

I do agree with option 3, but I do not have a burning desire to really live anywhere, other than places I know I DO NOT want to live. West Texas and New Mexico make that list right now.

However, its cheap as hell here and its not permanent, neither is Houston or New Jersey upon transfer. Saving money, building equity,and paying debts off is REALLY easy to do here.