Sunday, December 16, 2007

And its been a while.

Man things have been hectic the past few weeks. The home improvement projects, traveling, and the holidays have been leaving me with little time.

Currently I am looking at graduate classes I can take a Texas Tech. Why Texas Tech, in state tuition and its the closest University to Seminole. I am looking for courses in engineering and computer science. I am not looking to start a masters degree, just classes with emphasis in engineering and technology. Down time does not look good on a resume.


milkman said...

Define "close." I thought you lived in BFE?

Phil said...

Texas Tech is ~80 miles north from Seminole.

Justin Short said...

Its BFT.

If someone questions your down time, just tell them you took maternity leave.

Raven said...

Are you interested in a degree in weldin'?!