Monday, October 29, 2007

Sports Talk

I really enjoy baseball, just not how the league manages.

In the news right now, Yankee's 3rd baseman Alex Rodriguez is opting out the last 3 years of his 10 year $252 million dollar contract. Yankee management gave the following response to A-Rods choice to become a free agent, "If you don’t want to be a Yankee and paid what you’re being paid, we don’t want you, that’s the bottom line. You’d be hard-pressed to argue that point. If you don’t understand the magnitude of being a Yankee and understand what that means, and being the highest-paid player in baseball, I think it’s pretty obvious.” The article continues on, '“If we’re going to make you rich and we’re going to give you the privilege of being a Yankee,” Steinbrenner, “you’ve got to show us you want to be here.”

Perhaps capitalism at its finest? Something that I don't agree with is the MASSIVE difference in the MLB in salaries for teams. The NHL, NFL, and the NBA all use salary cap as a means of regulating the league. The MLB uses a luxury tax, when a team exceeds a predetermined payroll the team is taxed (fined) for the excess amount. This money in turn goes to a "industry growth fund."

At the top you have the Yankees for 2006 dishing out $200,000,000 for players on the roster and at the bottom is the Tampa Bay Devil Rays with $25,000,000. What is even more annoying is that the Yankees are at the top of the list for their average fan cost per game and Tampa Bay being one of the cheapest on the list. Expect to pay $200 a game to see the Yankees and $120 for Tampa Bay. This assumption is based on purchasing: two adult average price tickets; two child average price tickets; four small soft drinks; two small beers; four hot dogs; two programs; parking; and two adult-size caps. Ticket prices for NBA, NFL, and the NHL are loosely based on a teams performance WITH a salary cap allowing for greater even flow within the league.

Which gets back to why I severely dislike the Yankees and Yankee fans, they are supposed to win. Their championships are bought. Thats is like going to the casino and cheering for the dealer, the casino is supposed to win! AHHH YEEAA! That blackjack dealer busted your ass! If you are going to cheer for someone, cheer for an underdog.


Raven said...

so every team pay "luxery tax"? that means that even the lowest salleried team exceeds the sallery cap.

milkman said...

I'm torn when it comes to the outrageous salaries paid to athletes, celebrities, and executives. On one hand, it's absolutely ludicrous that these people are paid thousands of times more than the median of what everyone else in this country makes.

And on the other hand, the comparison holds between the average American and practically everyone else in the world. It's difficult for me to cast aspersions on A-Rod's megamoney deals as being inflated and not at all commensurate with the effort he puts into things, when after all, the salary of everyone in this country is, on average, inflated and not at all commensure with the effort we put into things.

It's troubling.

Phil said...

Something a believe that few people realize is that the average sports career lasts approximately five years all across the board: football, baseball, tennis, basketball, golf. There are exceptions.

I have much more respect for athletes that compete in the Olympics. MANDATORY drug testing that IS enforced and salaries are significantly lower. However the athletes are participating for the love of the game not a paycheck.

Which brings me to another topic, the MLB DOES NOT hold a true World Series. When did America become the World?