Tuesday, August 28, 2007

When Drug Deals Go Bad......

Sorry for the blurry picture, but I was taking them from behind my screen door. Those are ALL undercover police vehicles.
A little back story, directly across the street there is a 18 year old kid (Cory) that just graduated from High School and has been having problems with myself and my neighbor to the left, typical punk. He was jailed back in May for negligent use of a firearm for two months, he has been out of jail for only a month. The Mexicans that live directly across the street from him, the younger brother just got out of serving 2 years for a drive-by shooting in Lovington, I think that you see where this is going.
Friday night there was at least 5 police cruisers at the house, where the Key Energy truck is because Cory stole some beer from an Allsups is his mom's (he doesn't own his on car) 1980-something blue and gold suburban. This little shit was actually is his front yard yelling at the Police about his innocence and that the cops are just harassing him. The police didn't take him that night because they couldn't find any of the stolen property from the convenience store and because the surveillance tape had not yet been reviewed, however they were at his house for a good 3 hours.
Apparently later that night a drug deal went bad over in Lovington (2o Miles away) and my neighbors youngest son almost got beaten to death with pipes and a crowbar. So... his older brother and Cory across the street went back to Lovington and stabbed one of the guys that beat on the brother. What you see in the photo is both houses being raided Monday afternoon. So far there are two people in the critical condition in Lubbock from this incident, one for the beating and the other for the stab wounds, both have a 20% chance of living. The house were the semi truck is parked (the white house), the police took 2 pistols and a bunch of drugs. They didn't find anything in the mexicans house (which is two doors down from me on the right). I was told they trashed both houses looking for evidence, drugs, tossing over furniture, beds, emptying the cabinets and drawers, the works.
I am ready for my house to close, the neighbors told me that they are receiving death threats over the phone about the incident. Thats all I need is to catch a stray bullet from fucking drug dealers. I'll be out of here by the end of Sept.


Justin Short said...

Might want to replace the windows with Lexan now. It'll save you time and money when you move out.

Phil said...

The Mexicans slept in there garage last night. They were worried about getting shot.

milkman said...

Those are ALL undercover police vehicles.

Even the ones that say "POLICE" on the side?

Phil said...

My bad, I have another picture with nothing BUT undercover vehicles, then later on the standard cruisers came.

Raven said...

Crazy! That IS intence.