Tuesday, September 9, 2008

All Aboard! HA HA HA!

I don't think this is what Ozzy had in mind for his crazy train. Even the pink Chryslers are bigger in Texas.

Monday, September 8, 2008

I-10 What a great place to drive

Traveling along Interstate 10 back to Houston at 80 mph (the posted speed limit) Belinda and I came across a tractor trailer that somehow caught fire that was full of cases of Bud Light. I guess that one of the tires blew out or bad wiring may have been the culprit.


I was having lunch with some friends at BJ's Brewhouse. When we left I rode with Victor back to his house and met Belinda with a puzzled look on her face. The 'bubble' had started on her way back driving down the interstate. Fortunately we changed the tired before any real or serious damaged had occured.