Monday, June 30, 2008


I received this gem in the mail the other day.

Car Salesmans/Dealerships have gone so far as to send me advertisements, or rather Belinda newspaper clippings claiming "buy our car/truck and we will buy your gas for a year." There was no return address on the envelope and I have no idea who J is.

Hail Stones. Take Two.

The storm hit at around midnight. Honestly, I thought someone was breaking into my house because my north windows were busted out my hail stones. I was having flashbacks from Socorro from a few years back.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

First Stuck

It has finally rained enough in Hobbs to take my Jeep in the rain. I was throwing donuts in 2wd and high centered the rear-end. I short pull from a GMC 3500 and I was back to my old antics.