Monday, March 31, 2008

Sexy Bikini.

I got bored the other day and decided to put the extra bikini top on the Jeep .

New Camera.

Belinda and I are looking at a new digital camera to replace our aging our Pentax Optio 60 before we go to Florida. I don't have any idea were to start.

Jetta B.

This flying insect (bee?) has been in this exact spot in the Jetta for about 4 months now. I have cleaned the Jetta since then but I haven't had the heart to remove it. Serves as a warning to others, when you fly into my car I will roll up the windows and leave you in there.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Ms. Teen Philippines answers a question.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Before Staining

4 days chock full of sanding, sanding, and more sanding we finally are ready to stain.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Lyre Bird

Identity Theft

Belinda and I had someone from Albq. charge a hotel room in Arizona on our account. Luckily we caught the transaction before it cleared so we weren't out any money. The good news is they caught and arrested the guy (Go FBI!). Apparently he stole some receipts and credit card information from a La Quinta in Albq that we stayed in over a year ago. When they arrested they guy they found more than 200 other indentities and credit information.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Yard Work.

Belinda and I trimmed the bushes, trees, and raked the dead debris around the house and was amazed on how much we had to hauled off. We filled our 18 foot trailer about 4 feet high with limbs and brush, along with the back of my GMC with a 6'6" x 5'4 bed once. Then three trips in my Nissan with 6' x 4'5" bed. 75% were from the Juniper bushes we have in the front yard that needed trimming.

Breaking Bad.

I stumbled across an episode of Breaking Bad on AMC and have been hooked. Its about an Albuquerque high school chemistry teacher that starts making meth with a former student. It has quite a bit of footage of the Albq/Santa Fe area that is quite recognizable. I also get a kick out of the main character being the Dad from Malcolm in the Middle .

The Ice Cream Men are Coming!

I thought I was going insane the other day because I was watching a movie on my TV that had an Ice Cream Truck, however when the scene ended the Ice Cream Truck kept getting louder and louder until it drove in front of my house.